The Impact of Changing Legislation on Hunting Regulations

As someone who has spent countless hours traversing the great American wilderness with a faithful hunting dog at my side, I understand the profound connection between hunters and nature. We are not only participants in the natural world but also stewards, ensuring its preservation for future generations. In light of this, it is crucial that […]

In-Depth Guide to the Top 10 Hunting Adventures for 2024

Hello, fellow hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. As we gear up for the hunting season of 2024, it’s time to explore new landscapes and embark on unforgettable hunting adventures. Here are the top 10 hunting trips you should consider this year, each with its unique charm and challenges. 1. Mule Deer Hunt, Montana, United States Montana, […]

Colion Noir: A Trailblazer in the American Gun Rights Movement

Born Collins Iyare Idehen Jr. to Nigerian immigrants, Colion Noir’s journey from a Houston high school graduate to a prominent firearms rights activist is a compelling narrative of personal evolution and unwavering advocacy. Background, Early Life, and Education Raised in Houston, Texas, Noir’s formative years were shaped by his hardworking parents—an executive chef and a […]

Gun Sales in the U.S. 2023 |

In the U.S., many dynamic factors influence gun-purchasing decisions: economic conditions, media influences, legislative and leadership changes, and even public perceptions of threats. Each factor differs from state to state, creating a patchwork of attitudes and beliefs about firearms nationwide. By digging into data on gun sales and ownership, we can begin to understand America’s […]