Guest Blog Guidelines

The Weapon Depot Explore Guest Blog is a platform for Weapon Depot users, sellers, vendors, and brands to share information with the community and for members to share their insights with the community. Blog posts should contain original content shared only by the original author.

In some cases, blog posts may repurpose a previously published piece from other websites such as syndicated content. These posts need to have a different write-up from the teaser on and may not be the exact copy of the published articles.

Blog posts (with the exception of news and announcements from Weapon Depot) must fit within one of the following topics of interest:

Weapon Depot Guest Blog

  1. Outdoor Shooting Sports – general topics, including but not limited to: shooting, hunting, fishing.
  2. Communications – topics including but not limited to: public relations, press releases, internal communications, webinars, podcasts, etc.
  3. Business Development/Sales – topics including but not limited to: sales team structure and incentives, sales strategies and tactics, etc.
  4. Technology – topics including but not limited to: social media, website design & SEO, marketing automation, CRM, marketing data management and usage, web3.0, cryptocurrency, NFTs, metaverse,  etc.

Postings will be posted moderated by Weapon Depot and reserves the sole, unilateral right to remove, without notice, any post.

Frequency of Individual Contributions

Weapon Depot users, vendors, and contributors (and Affiliate members) are welcome to submit blog posts for consideration as frequently as desired. Blog posts length should not be under 500 words, unless there is other media included in the blog post, such as a video or podcast.

Document Guidelines

  1. Blog posts should exceed the minimum length guidelines.
  2. Blog posts should include a headline and, if appropriate, subheads.
  3. Graphic elements may be incorporated. Examples of graphic elements include photos, graphs and charts that illustrate your points.
  4. Italics and bold type should be used only if the author wants the same treatment in the publication itself.
  5. Only one space after each sentence.

Blog posts should be proofread for typographical and stylistic errors. The blog primarily uses the Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual as its primary reference guide for style and consistency. Headshot and Bio, the author’s name, company, title, and email address will be featured on the blog post.

Please create sub-headlines for each section of your blog post. Subhead lines are used to emphasize major points within a blog post. Footnotes Please do not use footnotes or endnotes. Incorporate references to other works into your blog post using parentheses or hyperlinks.


The owners of the Weapon Depot Explore Website will serve as blog editors. They may make substantive changes in the copy without notifying the author. However, we reserve the right to copy edit and impose other stylistic alterations without notice to the author.

Credit and Copyright

Blog posts will run with the author’s name clearly listed. Weapon Depot will own the copyright to the blog post.